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ACE Program mentors

ACE Program Mentors

Left to right: Al Aubin, Sue Abeles, Rosemary Chavoya, Jim McGlynn with Marian Gabra, Director, Advisor Training and Professional Development, College Academic Counseling

Retirees who participated as mentors in the 2022-23 cohort have shared their enthusiasm for the ACE Mentoring Program and the value that they experienced.  Here are some of their comments about participation:

I very much valued my involvement in the ACE Mentoring Program. I came away from the experience richer than when I began. I got to know a special individual, full of heart and intelligence, who embodies the spirit of our university. It was wonderful to be able to offer some of what I learned during my career at UCLA.”

“I was a mentor through the UCLA ACE Mentoring Program just prior to retirement and I enthusiastically signed up again when retirees were invited to participate. I find that listening has no age limit, and that mentees are so appreciative hearing the perspectives of those with long connections to the campus. Indeed, it is not a one-way street, as I learn from my mentees. The ACE Mentoring Program occupies a special niche in the professional/personal development sphere on campus, and it means a lot that they welcome those of us who have ‘graduated’ from campus and value our experience.”

"Being involved in the ACE mentorship program allowed me to share my experiences and knowledge with the new advisors. I had worked as a student advisor for 20 years and participated in ACE activities in recent years and I believe I have something to share.  Participating in the program was my small way of giving back to the community that supported me through all the years. It also allowed me to stay connected to UCLA community after retirement. It is a great program and I highly recommend it to other retirees.  “

Mentoring Opportunities 

UCLARA places retiree mentors with two campus programs. 

The ACE (Advising Communities of Excellence) Program is a mentorship program open to all UCLA career staff. It is volunteer-run but supported by the Center for Academic Advising in the College of Letters and Science and led by the Director of Advisor Training & Professional Development. The program has received national recognition and awards. The program is focused on personal and professional growth, continuous learning, community building and intention, rather than career advancement.  The program has been going since 2017. Mentors/mentees sign a partnership agreement and are expected to meet at least quarterly either in person or via Zoom. In addition, ACE provides a quarterly newsletter to support its participants and supplemental programming for both mentors and mentees. The Program starts in September and runs through June.  See their web page at

The Administrative Management Group (AMG) ProShare Program has been in existence for ten years. The program is open to all campus staff and brings interested staff together in small groups for a six month period, with a focus on networking, personal and professional growth, learning about other campus departments, and community relationship building. There is no formal mentoring component and the ProShare program is not designed as a mentoring program per se, however, there is informal mentoring that occurs among the participants and the group facilitator. The groups meet at least monthly from January-June. AMG provides two mid-program networking events and a wrap up meeting for the entire cohort with a speaker. This program runs from January through June. See their web page at

In March 2023 the UCLARA Board voted to make Mentorship a permanent Board committee with Sue Abeles as chair. 

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